Friday, November 13, 2009

Flow charts

Until recently I have not discovered exactly how awesome flowcharts can be. And apparently I am not the only one. I have noticed them popping up in pop culture the past little while..... oh the internet... how I love thee

See.... now you must agree... flowcharts are amazing

Halloween and the weeks that followed

So it has been a little while since I posted but as promised I will give a breakdown of the best costumes I saw on Halloween as well as the ones I predicted..

First up.. I only saw about two Rorschachs... this was quite surprising to me. Not nearly as surprising as my not seeing ONE michael jackson.

A friend of mine (Ryan Mills) went as Carl Sagan and his girlfriend went as the cosmos....this was one of the most original I saw throughout the night. Among other originals was a baby covered Octopus (Octo-mom).

all in all it was a good Halloween. We had an impromptu party at our apartment before heading out to the bar. Also, I was very impressed with mine and Brandi's costumes.... we rocked the proverbial casbah.

Moving on we have been keeping very busy with our work and studies. I am very proud of Brandi and I am very very excited about our plans to move to Australia to further our education following all this Ontario bidniz. more to follow on that...

next order of business is that my birthday is in less than a week.... I am almost 26 and its....odd but I am excited none the less :)

enough updates for now!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Devils Night

So tomorrow is Halloween. currently I am sitting in mine and Brandi's apartment smelling the most awesome nachos and trying to make plans for tomorrow...but in the true spirit of an art student I am procrastinating..
instead I am thinking of predictions of what type of costumes I will see tomorrow.

#1 costume prediction.... Zombie Michael Jackson from thriller..

aside from this I expect to see a wide array of 'sexy' professions ranging from nurse to taxidermist...

In terms of male costumes it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see a recurrence of Rorschachs and jokers..

all in all by Sunday or Monday I will have compiled an official count of these to see if I am right as well as a list of the best costumes around Toronto.

Until then.
Happy Haunting

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Its nice to know you work alone.

As many of you may know I have an unhealthy obsession with the Silversun Pickups. For those of you who don’t know them, they are an American band from L.A. who play a post-shoegaze style of music (or Nu-Gaze as I have heard it referred to). It’s similar or at the very least reminiscent of classic Smashing Pumpkins.
            The past two or three years I have gotten increasingly more into the music that they have been producing and it never actually occurred to me as to ‘why’ exactly they were appealing to me in the first place. I mean I could understand it on the very basic level of ‘they sound like the pumpkins…. I like the pumpkins…..I like them’ but it goes deeper (not much surprisingly but it does go deeper). The Silversun Pickups (to me) exemplify exactly what attracted me to music in the first place. They bring me back to a time of Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam and yes The Smashing Pumpkins.  I know what you are thinking….’I thought this went deeper….I want my eight bucks back’, but no… its mine and this is where it gets a little deeper. It’s my belief that the reason I enjoy them so much is that it brings me back to a time where I was excited about music and art and it makes me optimistic for the future of the industry. It was a time where I could look at these bands with childlike awe (partially because I was a child) and become engrossed in the art. So few bands these days have captured the same find of feeling in me (save for some bands from Montreal. Most notably Wolf parade and all its side projects) and none have captured this feeling as purely as the Silversun Pickups. I know that they are not particularly amazing by most standards but anything that makes me feel the same way I did when I listened to Siamese Dream is obviously doing something right. You all may think I am crazy in my claims and you are right to say so but this was just one of the examples that remind me why I got into music in the first place.

            The reason I think this has been on my mind as of late is partially because I just had my first opportunity to see this band live and I have been trying to figure out in my head exactly what it was about this show that set it apart from all the other concerts I have attended. This explanation is the nearest I can figure as to why I am so into this band. I have no doubt that the majority of you will disagree with me but you all have similar experiences and personally I would like to hear them :)

This should be it for now. I dont wanna start this off as long winded as I fear it has already become. All the best


P.s. here is a video from the concert I was at :)